Client: Héma-Québec
Montreal, QC . Canada
6,970 m2 / 75,000 ft2
* In collaboration with Julien architectes
Héma-Québec was facing many problems related to the low energy efficiency of its head office, causing high operating costs and great discomfort for its occupants. A complete energy assessment of the building was therefore carried out in order to assess possible corrective solutions.
The repair of the envelope and the replacement of the frames addressed the problems of infiltration and insufficient insulation. In addition, the installation of sun visors on the east and west facades make it possible to take maximum advantage of the solar gain while reducing glare.
The building's energy efficiency has thus greatly increased. The proposed solutions greatly reduced costs as no replacement of mechanical systems was necessary, and the consolidation of precast concrete wall panels reduced demolition costs and maintained interior activities during construction.
Not only is Héma-Québec headquarters now more energy efficient, it is also more pleasant on a daily basis for its occupants, whose quality of working life has increased.